Inter-Ministerial High-Level Dialogue (HLD-2) “Infusion of Science, Technology, and Innovation into National Systems as the GameChanger for National Security and Sustainable Prosperity: The Case of Affordable Housing, and-Universal Healthcare”

Prof. Olive Mugenda
/Chairperson KUTRRH and Former VC, Kenyatta University
Hon. Nakhumicha S. Wafula, Cabinet Secretary, Health
Mr. Charles Hinga, PS Housing and Urban Development, Ministry of Lands, Public Works, Housing, and Urban Development
Dr. Esther Muoria, PS TVET, Ministry of Education
Prof. Emmanuel Mutisya, Chairman of Council, Kenya-AIST, Konza
Prof. Tom Migun Ogada, CEO, ACTS, Chairman KENIA
H.E. Anne Waiguru, Governor Kirinyaga County, and Chairperson of Council of Governors (COG)
Prof. Francis W. Muregi, Board member, NACOSTI